Berlinale 2015 - Ranking

# Schimmernd

Dear John _ Forum Expanded

Histoire de Judas Story of Judas _ Forum

Superwelt Superworld _ Forum

One & Two _ Generation 14+

Tell Spring Not to Come This Year _ Panorama

# Zeitlos

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes Blondinen bevorzugt _ Retrospektive

Gone With the Wind _ Retrospektive

Cuatro contra el mundo Four Against the World _ Forum

# Unverzichtbar

20 Handshakes for Peace _ Forum Expanded

Black President _ Forum Expanded

Cheol won gi haeng End of Winter _ Forum

Danielův Svět Daniel’s World _ Panorama

Dari Marusan _ Forum

Exotica, Erotica, Etc. _ Forum

Fassbinder - Lieben ohne zu fordern Fassbinder - To Love Without Demands _ Panorama

Freie Zeiten After Work _ Forum

Futaba kara toku hanarete dainibu Nuclear Nation II _ Forum

Haftanlage 4614 Prison System 4614 _ Panorama

Härte Tough Love _ Panorama

Je suis Annemarie Schwarzenbach My Name is Annemarie Schwarzenbach _ Panorama

La sirène de Faso Fani The Siren of Faso Fani _ Forum

Mot Naturen Out of Nature _ Panorama

Sprache:Sex _ Perspektive Deutsches Kino

Sueñan los androides Androids Dream _ Forum

The Forbidden Room _ Forum

Über die Jahre Over the Years _ Forum

Viaggio nella dopo-storia Journey into Post-History _ Forum

Wa 'ala Sa'eeden Akhar And on a Different Note _ Forum Expanded

# Solide

B-Movie: Lust & Sound in West-Berlin _ Panorama

Counting _ Forum

El hombre nuevo The new man _ Panorama

Gineva _ Forum Expanded

H. _ Forum

I am Michael _ Panorama

La nuit et l’enfant The Night and the Kid _ Panorama

Le dos rouge Portrait of the Artist _ Forum

Misfits _ Panorama

Queen of Earth _ Forum

Sume - Mumisitsinerup Nipaa Sumé - The Sound of a Revolution _ Panorama

The Days Run Away Like Wild Horses Over the Hills _ Forum Expanded

Vyshyvalshitsa Embroideress _ Forum Expanded

# Verzichtbar

Beira-Mar Seashore _ Forum

Cobain: Montage of Heck _ Panorama

Mizu no koe o kiku The Voice of Water _ Forum

Sangue azul Blue Blood _ Panorama

What Happened, Miss Simone? _ Panorama

Cancelled Faces _ Forum

Une Jeunesse Allemande A German Youth _ Panorama

# Abgrund

Nasty Baby _ Panorama

Bizarre _ Panorama

Zui Sheng Meng Si Thanatos, Drunk _ Panorama

Aktuell viel geklickt